Collection: Frida Kahlo

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954) was a renowned Mexican artist known for her deeply personal and symbolic self-portraits that explored themes of identity, suffering, and the human body. Born in Coyoacán, Mexico, Kahlo faced many health issues throughout her life due to polio and a severe bus accident, experiences that heavily influenced her work. Her unique style, while borrowing elements from Mexican folk art and surrealism, defied categorization. Kahlo’s art is characterized by vivid colors, symbolic imagery, and a visceral intensity. Her works like "The Two Fridas" and "The Broken Column" reflect her physical and emotional pain, intertwined with themes of female experience and Mexican identity. Kahlo was also known for her tumultuous relationship with fellow artist Diego Rivera, whom she married twice. Despite facing numerous challenges, her resilience and distinctive artistic voice made her a powerful icon in art and feminism. Today, Frida Kahlo's works are celebrated globally, her legacy leaving a profound impact on 20th-century art.