Collection: Giovanni Boldini

Giovanni Boldini (1842-1931) was an Italian painter associated with the Belle Époque period. Boldini's works were characterized by their use of loose, fluid brushstrokes and their emphasis on elegance and sophistication. He was particularly interested in portraying the glamour and luxury of high society, often depicting scenes of fashionable women in opulent settings. Boldini was also known for his portraits of famous figures of the era, including writers, musicians, and politicians. Boldini was a prominent figure in the French and Italian art scenes during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and his works were highly regarded for their technical mastery and innovative style. Today, Boldini's works are celebrated for their beauty and their contribution to the development of Belle Époque art. Some of his most famous works include "The Marchesa Luisa Casati" and "Portrait of Giuseppe Verdi."