Collection: Jules Bastien Lepage

Jules Bastien-Lepage was a French naturalist painter born in 1848. He grew up in a rural area and was inspired by the local landscape and peasant life, which became the subject of many of his paintings. In 1868, he moved to Paris to study at the École des Beaux-Arts and became associated with the Impressionists, although he maintained a distinctive style. Bastien-Lepage's paintings were characterized by their realistic and empathetic depiction of rural life. He often painted en plein air, capturing the effects of natural light and atmosphere. One of his most famous works is "The Haymakers," which depicts a group of peasants working in a field. His art was widely exhibited and earned him a reputation as one of the leading naturalist painters of his time. Bastien-Lepage died young in 1884 at the age of 36 from cancer. Despite his short career, his influence on naturalism and Impressionism has been significant.